It can be difficult to know when to seek help for emotional pain, particularly when you are a strong, independent person. We are in unprecedented times and seeking help can decrease the intensity and duration of any unpleasant feelings that are affecting your life. Therapy is not just talking, it is getting empirically-proven resources to cope with anxiety, depression, and other mood and adjustment disorders. Don't shoulder the pain alone, there is help at Inner Calm.
Sessions are 55 minutes.
In-person and telehealth options are available (coverage varies by insurer). *Please note, to complete a thorough intake, the first appointment must be face-to-face.

Individual Counseling: Adults
Am I a good fit for Inner Calm therapy?
I'm experiencing anxiety or panic attacks.
I should feel happy but I find I am sad too often.
I have trouble sleeping or difficulty focusing.
I can't leave my job stress at the office.
I am not coping well with my stress, I'm eating/drinking/sleeping too much or too little.
I find myself irritable with my family.
It's really hard to be a parent.
I feel like my divorce is ruining my life.
I'm a caregiver and I'm burned out.
I feel like my relationships keep hitting a wall.
I've experienced a traumatic experience at work and want to feel like myself again.
The transition into adulthood can be a complex time in life and current social stressors, adjusting to changing expectations, and navigating relationships can bring out anxiety and depressive symptoms. Learn skills to cope with stress and find a supportive, confidential place to process your emotions.
Sessions are 55 minutes.
In-person and telehealth options are available (coverage varies by insurer).
*Please note, to complete a thorough intake, the first appointment must be face-to-face.

Individual Counseling:
Young Adults
Am I a good fit for Inner Calm therapy?
​Being on my own feels really lonely/overwhelming.
My anxiety is preventing me from performing well at school, work, or in my relationships.
Is this what depression feels like?
I want help getting along better with my parents/significant other/roommate.
Social or performance anxiety is limiting me.
Being an adult is hard.
I experienced a breakup and it's difficult to move on.
Communication patterns can break down in relationships, making it difficult to address the tough issues. Committing to couples counseling can be the investment in yourself and your partner that helps you reconnect and strengthen your bond.
Sessions are 55 Minutes - In-Person
Please note: At this time Couples Counseling is Self-Pay Only

Couples Counseling
Am I a good fit for Inner Calm therapy?
Our communication patterns are having a negative impact on our relationship. ​
Trust has been broken.
Outside stress is affecting how we treat each other.
Sometimes it feels like we're just operating a business, where is the connection?
We have so many responsibilities, it is hard to focus on us.
We learned some unhealthy relationship patterns early in life and want to work through them together.
My/my partner's mental health affects our relationship.